There are still cases of hepatitis A in Yucatan


Merida, Yuc.- Although in the first weeks of this month according to the National Epidemiological Bulletin published by the Ministry of Health only registered three new cases of hepatitis type A this condition is still elevated in the state, since there are 116 cases in total so far, higher than the Last year when there were 83 the same period.

Among the people who suffer most are women, as there are 60 who contracted the virus, while and men are 56 this prevalence was opposite in 2017 , where the women who suffered were 27 and the men 57. [Yuan] Yucatan compared to the neighboring states has the greatest number, because in Quintana Roo, there were 31 reports, while in Campeche are 4. However, none of these states t It has a record of cases found in the early days of July.

Hepatitis Type A is the most common because of the speed with which spreads the virus, infection to orally-fecal, ] from one person to another and the risk factors are to eat or drink food or water contaminated with feces containing the virus and not to wash hands well .

The Ministry of Health recommends that the necessary hygiene measures be taken so that cases do not increase, since the general population is exposed to the disease.

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