There is a new type of depression and HERE we are talking about the


Depression is a mental disorder that affects more than 300 million people worldwide, according to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO).

A study conducted by the Hiroshima University, published in the journal Neuroscience, revealed how a protein called RGS8 plays an important role in the behavior of people with this disorder.

Until now, scientists believe that the research on monoamines, named according to the type of two chemicals that are lacking in depressed people: serotonin and norepinephrine, explains how depression appears.

90% of antidepressants are based on this idea. Its goal is to recalibrate the two monoamines for therapeutic purposes.

However, the study's authors and neuroscientists at the university, Yumiko Saito and Yuki Kobayashi, commented:

"Thirty percent of those who consume these drugs do not Feel no effect Obviously, we need a new drug and another explanation on what could cause depression. "

This study builds on previous work in which the team discovered that RGS8 controls a hormone receptor called MCHR1. Parts of the brain related to movement and mood regulation show signs of RGS8 expression. When MCHR1 is active, it helps regulate responses to sleep, diet and mood.


Research shows that the less RGS8 exists, the more depressed the behavior. However, this effect has never been examined in a living being. Saito's group studied depression in mice in two contexts: behavioral, and immunohistological.

First, the mice did a swimming test, which is a common method for assessing depressive behavior in animals. The researchers measured the time during which each mouse was active, and then subtracted from the total test time, leaving a period of immobility.

Mice with more RGS8 in their nervous system recorded shorter immobilization times than those with a normal amount of protein. However, when they received an antidepressant that acts on monoamines, RGS8 mice have even shorter immobilization times. And when given a medicine that prevents the MCHR1 from functioning, the time of immobility has not changed.

"These mice showed a new type of depression." "Monoamines do not seem to be involved in this depressive behavior, on the other hand, mchr1 was," said Saito.

Over the past decade, scientists have seen that dysfunctional eyelashes are associated with disorders such as obesity, kidney disease, and retinal disease. his relationship with mood disorders. These results led the researchers to think that RGS8 is a candidate for the development of new antidepressant drugs.


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