These are the 10 colonies at Mexicali with the greatest presence of the mosquito transmitting dengue fever


Health authorities observe the proliferation of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, because if they do not control it, Mexicali runs the risk of a potential dengue epidemic.

The head of the State Epidemiology Department of the Institute of Health Services (Isesalud) Néstor Saúl Hernández Milán, have specified the ten colonies where there are higher densities of the mosquito transmitter of the dengue.

Top Ten

10. Oscar Garzon

9. Hidalgo

8. The Naranjos

7. The Mezquital

6. Residential Seville

5. Lucerne

4. Guadalupe Victoria Kilometer 43

3. Baja California

2. Luis Donaldo Colosio

1. Esperanza

The health expert said that in order not to prevent mosquito infestation, there could be a dangerous epidemic of dengue fever in October, since temperatures favor breeding during this season.

community not only of these colonies, but all the city and the valley of Mexicali, so that they apply the strategy "Lava, tapa, voltea y pulled", all that contains water , like pots, pots, tires, among other pots. 19659004] "If you happen to fumigate vector units, we ask you to leave the windows and doors open for the insecticide to enter, otherwise enter, which is totally organic, the mosquitoes of the colony will take refuge in you ",

It should be noted that the mosquito Aedes Aegypti is not only a dengue transmitter, it also infects Zika and Chikungunya, say the authorities of the Ministry of Health.

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