These are the 25 richest families in the world, according to Bloomberg


Walmart, Samsung, Koch Industries, the chocolates Ferrero Rocher, Mars and Hermes are just some of the businesses of these families who have spent their fortunes for generations.

Among the fortunes of the 25 lineages they control $ 1.1 trillion ("1.1 trillion", in English) and thus outweigh the value on the Apple's market, all Citigroup deposits or the full Indonesian GDP.

In addition to the list of these 25 families, Bloomberg states that "the wealth of families like the Rothschilds or Rockefellers is too diffuse for value."

"The Nature of Many Fortunes dynastics, backed by decades and sometimes centuries of assets and dividends, can obscure the true scope of their properties, "continues the medium

The top five places are for family businesses:

1. Walton – Walmart

2. Koch – Koch Industries

3. March – Mild March

4. Van Damme, De Spoelberch, De Mevius – Anheuser-Busch Inbev

5. Dumas – Hermes

Here is the painting published by El Financiero, a half affiliated with Bloomberg:

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