These capsules would help save children trapped in a cave


  This is an elongated bullet-shaped metal capsule that would be connected to tubes through which the oxygen needed to complete the crossing would enter - Photo: Special

It s & nbsp; This is a metal capsule with an elongated ball that would be – Photo: Special


The founder of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk, announced today on social networks that has a team of engineers working on the development of some underwater capsules that could be used to save the eight children of a football team who remain trapped in a cave in Thailand.

The device, which is already tested in a swimming pool in Los Angeles, according to Musk himself on his official Twitter account, consists of a metal capsule with elongated ball shape, which would be connected to separate tubes through which would enter the necessary oxygen to complete the journey up to the cave entrance.

The design is based on the comments of the diving teams. It has access to oxygen at the front and back, which has the shape of a cone, "says Musk, who said he was receiving recommendations from Thailand

because of the size of the apparatus, the adult of this group of thirteen people who fell in the cave on June 23 was to leave alone

The plan consists of two expert divers transferring the capsule, which has several handles, elaborated so that they can adjust a series of straps that would carry the submarines attached to their heights, while in their interior a minor is moved .

The children trapped in the cave in Thailand send letters to their parents

today the teams of resc The Thai authorities have chosen to suspend the rescue operation until Monday because it was necessary to replace the compressed air cylinders placed along the crossing and evaluate the new phase In principle, the l 39; The use of these capsules, which could be sent to the Tham Luang Cave in Chiang Rai Province, in the north, in a few hours, is a "plan b" that would be resorted to only if the authorities refuse to pursue Rescue operations if the cave is flooded or if one of the children does not feel able to leave alone.

I am always surprised by the courage, resilience and tenacity of the children and the diving team in Thailand. The human character in its maximum expression, "greeted the businessman.


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