They accuse Donald Glover of plagiarism in his song "This Is America" ​​| ELESPECTADOR.COM


The musician and actor lives one of the most beautiful moments of his career, reaching success both in his musical side and on the big screen, however, he was accused of plagiarism.

Donald Glover accused of plagiarism In his hit "This is America" ​​ AFP

After good reviews harvested for his role as Lando Calrissian in "Han Solo: A Story of Star Wars & # 39; and for his song "This is America" a cloud has arrived that has obscured its success. (You may be interested: Donald Glover: "Lando is the soul of the party")

A user of Reddit accused the singer and plagiarism actor . Specifically, he denounces that Gambino copied "This is America", song with which he was released until number 1 on the Billboard list, of the single & # 39; American Pharaoh & # 39; ; by Jase Harley a rapper from New Jersey. (You may be interested: Who is Childish Gambino, responsible for the success of "This is America?")

Harley published his song on YouTube in March 2016, while Childish Gambino released his single on May 5, 2018. Although the similarity of the songs is unmistakable, Fam Rothstein, producer of The video of This Is America, publicly denied these accusations

"Internet is a place without consequences, I hate that all white bloggers can say something and that you take it as if it was the bible This song is 3 years old and we have Pro Tools files to prove it ", Rothstein said in his personal Twitter account. No objection, after a moment removed the tweet. (You may be interested: Given the success of "This is America", Donald Glover prefers to stay away from the internet)

Gambino still did not want to talk, but whoever has it done was Harley. "I've always thought my song had inspired it, the very first time I heard it" The rapper claimed on his personal Instagram account. However, he wanted to conclude by saying that "it is possible that he had some influence on the record and that all artists are inspired by others."

Harley put an end to the controversy by uploading a publication to his Instagram account where he explains that he feels "very proud of being recognized and labeled as the only one". one of the inspirations of one of the most important musical and visual pieces of our time ". In addition, the rapper asked that the controversy not dilute the message that he and Glover "are trying to convey".

In the absence of Childish Gambino's statement on these serious charges, it seems that the moods subsided a little and even the affected person wanted to minimize the confrontation.

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