They accuse Trudeau of sexual harassment


Ottawa – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reacts for the first time to a charge of sexual misconduct dating back 18 years, claiming that he does not remember the date. incident.

She was consulted about an accusation that she acted improperly towards a journalist at a music festival in Creston, British Columbia in 2000.

"I am remember that day in Creston … I do not remember any negative interaction, "he told reporters in response to a question asked about it during a visit to Regina, Saskatchewan , on the occasion of the Canadian National Day Sunday

. an unsigned article in a newspaper accused Trudeau, then 28 years old and without political responsibility, of "caressing" a journalist

. The article did not reveal the woman's name nor did she provide any more information. s Details on Trudeau's alleged acts

The text, published in the newspaper Creston Valley Advance, also indicated that Trudeau apologized and said he would have been more careful if he had knew that the journalist was working for a national newspaper.

The CBC network reported that they contacted the reporter in question, who refused to see her name quoted and asked not to be associated with coverage of this case.

The accusation has resurfaced recently and is the first time the Prime Minister publicly comments

When Trudeau came to power, who claims to be considered "feminist", he formed a government with as many women as men and adopted a zero tolerance policy towards sexual assault. party and his government.

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