They add eight cases of dengue to Puebla


The municipalities of Izúcar de Matamoros, Acatlán de Osorio, Tehuacán and Zacapoaxtla, reported more people with diseases contracted by a vector such as dengue, zika or chikungunya, said Sofía Morales, deputy director of the Center for Surveillance and Epidemiology. of the Ministry of Health of the State of Puebla

According to the weekly bulletin of the Federal Ministry of Health, in the state of Puebla, there were registered only eight cases of dengue fever and the entity ranks tenth at the national level with more notifications

Another document from the federal agency said that until the 25th epidemiological week of 2018, cases of Chikungunya n & # 39; 39, have not been identified in the state of Puebla or Zika.

For its part, the medical specialist explained that a person must have to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes transmitters of these diseases must prevent the waste to be collected and empty all the water containers at the same time. free air or to make sure they are covered.

"It is important to focus on the population that the fact that we are fumigating, if we do not have a clean environment, that does not help; focus precisely on these measures, do not do garbage collection descacharrización so that the mosquitoes do not accumulate. "19659003] He explains that it is in the municipalities mentioned in the l & # 39; Puebla state that these measures were strengthened In the capital, Puebla, he pointed out that there was no accumulation of mosquitoes of this type.

However, he said that "due to the rainy season that took place in the city, an increase in the presence of mosquitoes was detected. "This year, we have a different behavior than last year because they had very few cases of dengue, if it increased the fact of the vector we must take preventive measures." As for the proliferation of flies, "he said.

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