They affect the UV rays even in the shade!


Ultraviolet rays are dangerous even if they are not exposed directly or prolonged to the sun, warned dermatologist Alba Borbón Armenta

"Ultraviolet radiation is in the light, not precisely in direct sunlight; to know people that when the weather is cloudy, it's as if the sun is shining. "

Radiation can come in through the windows, he explained, so it's important not to let your guard down. terms of care – using sunscreen, for example – even if you are inside.

"It's good that people who do not go almost to the sun also use it (the blocker) because they get used to it," she recomended.

The expert pointed out that because of the high temperatures and strong rays of the sun that occur in the entity, the levels of ultraviolet radiation are so powerful that they are harmful to the skin.


Among the consequences of excessive exposure to the sun are spots, flaccidity and redness of the skin ; a fever and even a deadly cancer can also occur.

Bourbon Armenta reported that there are medications that trigger hypersensitivity to the skin, such as treatments for diabetes and hypertension, as well as antibiotics with tetracyclines, making it even more important to protect yourself and your doctor about the effects of the medicine.

"One of the most frequently used and problematic medications with the sun is hydrochlorazide, which is accompanied by high-pressure drugs," she said.

The dermatologist recommended extreme care especially for white-skinned people, because these, having a small amount of melanin – the pigment that gives color to the skin and hair of the body and works as a protector natural – are more likely to suffer adverse effects.

Borbón Armenta pointed out that the appearance of skin cancer was increasing, as well as the age at which it appears, as there have been cases in people under 30 years of age.

"Before cancer The skin was at the age of 60, was a disease of the elderly, however, decreased the age at which it appears, so that it can occur in much younger people without distinction of sex, "he said.

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