They agonize PRD, PES, PVEM, Honeycomb and MC


Agonizing the PRD, PES, PVEM, Panal and MC

By not reaching the minimum vote to keep the record, the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), Green Ecologist of Mexico ( PVEM), New Alliance (Honeycomb), Social Encounter (PSE) and Citizen Movement (CM), are on the verge of disappearing

according to the legislation in force and the almost final results of the PREP that until yesterday had a calculation of more than 90
"They will lose the register if they confirm the data of the Program of Preliminary Electoral Results (PREP)", explained in an interview Roberto Duque, UNAM University, specialized in legal election issues.
It should be noted that until now, 93% of the minutes were captured at the national level for the President, 92% for Senators and 92% for MPs.
"In this election, many people voted for the big parties and not like before, two or three parties.That made the difference," said Gustavo López, a professor at the School of Social Sciences and of the Government of Tec de Monterrey.

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