They are looking for a plane in which the Minister of Agriculture of Paraguay was traveling


The National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (Dinac) of Paraguay launched a research aircraft for a small plane in which traveled the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Luis Gneiting, whose contacts have been lost since it took off. afternoon in the city of Ayolas

The plane, with four people on board, left Ayolas at 18:00 local time (22:00 GMT), and there was no contact anymore, confirmed Rubén Aguilar, director of Asunción International Airport

He added that the plane was destined for Asunción, an hour and fifteen minutes flight from Ayolas.

Aguilar said he did not know the flight autonomy of the aircraft, twin engine belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture.

He also indicated that work is underway with the airports of the region to follow the device.

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Cartes withdraws his resignation from the presidency of Paraguay; He does not swear as senator

Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes announced Monday that he was withdrawing his resignation from the presidency, which he presented at the end of May to swear as a senator on Saturday, and who did not Did not prosper in Congress in a first attempt at the opposition of some government legislators

"I see with great regret that some lawmakers do not want the popular will of April 22 to be fulfilled, so I withdraw my resignation as President of the Republic, "Maps explained in his Twitter account.

With this decision, Cartes will not be able to swear as a senator and will end his term on August 15, while Mario Abdo Benítez, also of the Colorado Party and winner of the elections of April 22, will take over.

The announcement comes one day after Honor Colorado, the current ruling party led by Cartes, announced the breakdown of negotiations with Colorado Añetete, the sector led by Abdo Benítez.

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With information from EFE


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