They arrest 92 people for vandalism on Halloween


Guadalajara.- For committing excesses and committing administrative offensesthey stop a 92 people in Zapopan during the night of Halloween.

Among them were 88 teenagers aged 13 to 17 and four adults.

According to the Zapopan Police Station, the majority of the captures were due to people throwing oranges, eggs and stones at houses and vehicles and were arrested for administrative misconduct of public order. .

Drinks, eggs and backpacks filled with oranges were insured.

Children under 15 years old will be handed over to their parents and the rest will be made available to a municipal judge to determine the penalty he or she deserves. They could only receive a reprimand, be fined or spend a day in separation.

Since most of them are minors, they work in coordination with the Social Work Department of Zapopan Municipality.

By contrast, around 10 pm, a man was beaten during a fight in Uxmal and Monte Alban, in the monumental colony of the municipality of Guadalajara, and was regularly injured in a rescue station.

In addition, at about the same time, motorcycle subjects fired at a 13-year-old boy who was heading to the San Juan and San Mateo stores in Colonia Las Juntas, Tlaquepaque Municipality.

The miner was regularly wounded at the Green Cross, Marcos Montero.

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