They arrest Paraguayan involved in the sexual exploitation of "Zona Divas"


Elements of the Federal Police, through the Investigations Division, arrested a Paraguayan woman in Mexico City who operated as "enganchadora" of foreign women, to be sexually exploited in our country through the web page "Zona Divas. "

Investigations into federal elements, in coordination with the Trafficking Prosecutor of the Attorney General's Office (PGJ) in Mexico, concerned an international organization dedicated to the crime of human trafficking. people, determined that a woman of Paraguayan nationality was functioning as a "enganchadora" who, by deception, transferred foreign women to Mexico for sexual exploitation.

Recall that last April the Federal Police rescued 17 women of Venezuelan, Colombian and Paraguayan nationality, who displayed sexual exploitation by providing services in Mexico City's hotels and bars, covering the costs and schedules. They added that their services were offered over the Internet.

It was learned that some of these victims claimed to have been "hooked" by a person named Graciela "N" of Paraguayan nationality who, with false promises, transferred them to our country.

Deriving corresponding investigations, the Investigation Division troops obtained a warrant arrest against this woman, so that before the investigation of the cabinet and field, it was possible to locate said person in an address of the delegation Benito Juarez in Mexico City.

Immediately an operation was organized to enforce the judicial order, stopping in the vicinity of Indiana Street, district of Ciudad de los Deportes, of the aforesaid delegation, which s 39; is called Graciela "N", 31 years old, of Paraguayan nationality.

The detainee was immediately made available to the competent judicial authority of the Santa Martha Acatitla Prison for the offense of trafficking in persons, where his legal status will be defined.

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