They arrest Stormy Daniels, the porn actress who accuses Trump, "of being touched" by a client


Prohibited from touching naked or semi-nude staff when they work

This is what a rule of the state of Ohio (United States) says for protect those who perform their work regularly without dressing up completely

porn actress Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had sex with Donald Trump before being president, was arrested Thursday in the city of Columbus for ignoring this law,

Michael Avennatti, a 39-year-old actress defender, assures Daniels was arrested "for letting a client touch her on scene in a non-sexual way " she said on Twitter. A version that later confirmed for CNN and the newspaper The Guardian .

Local police did not want to confirm the facts to the BBC and the club Sirens where the execution took place also declined to comment on this.

Avennatti declared that the arrest " is politically motivated and hopes that his client will soon be released on bail with charges for a misdemeanor, although she hopes to to be removed.

Relationship with Trump

The name of Stormey Daniels, officially Stephanie Clifford, jumped to the international press after having assured that she had sexual relations with Donald Trump in 2006 before being elected President of the United States but when he was already married to Melania Trump.


Trump has always denied such accusations, but the actress says that she was paid US $ 130,000 shortly before the 2016 presidential election for that remain silent on his alleged sexual encounter with the current president.

Daniels has opened a legal process to get rid of this confidentiality agreement and another in which he accuses Trump of disfiguring a tweet sent this year 2018.

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