They ask in SS women who apply the test against cancer




  They ask the SS for women who apply the cancer test

They call women to be screened for cancer.

By: Víctor Martínez [19659006] Reynosa, Tam.-Because cancer is one of the most common and dangerous diseases in women, the Ministry of Health, through the health jurisdiction , maintains a major campaign of information and prevention against cervical cancer of the uterus. the chemistry responsible for the program, Norma Iliana Garza Oropeza.
He commented that two tests are being done, one of them is the Pap test, which is a test that is normally applied to women, and puts the focus on women aged 25 and over. at 34 years old.
With regard to the hybrid test, the chemistry that currently uses a new test that is used to detect high-risk papilloma over time, and only applies to women aged 35 to 60 years.
"The difference between the hybrid test and the papanicolau test is that if the woman has the high-risk virus, and this test will give her her type of virus, which would be 16 or 18, and which of these two is the virus that has it, "he said.
He said that the chemistry that this virus acquires the woman through sex with a man, and the difference between men and women in relationships, is that the man will have no cancer, whereas the woman does it and can either be high risk.
"You have to see that there is a lot of human papillomavirus, but all of them do not cause cancer, only high risks, such as 16 and 18, and are detected by this test that we perform in the jurisdiction of health, and it is completely free from from April this year, "said the specialist.
However, she mentioned that there is no chance that the woman can detect whether she has HPV or not, since it does not cause any symptoms, pain or bleeding, and only up to 25%. that women carry out these tests can know if they have it, so he recommended to women who have suspicions of having this virus, to visit the medical units of SS or in any other establishment to apply this test.
"The only requirement is that they do not regulate or do not have sex at least two days before the test, and up to now, 980 women have already done so." April, to date, "he added.

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