They ask the arrest of the father of the girl who died in a car in Santos Lugares


"I forgot the fat woman, it can not be, please," the man, 39, was desperate, according to neighbors, when he opened the door of his car at the door of his house, Santos Lugares, while he was throwing ground and found his daughter, a year and a half, dead in the back seat.

The day after the tragedy, the girl's father left the state of shock in which he had fallen and declared for more than five hours. "
I did not know, "said Rodrigo Oses, the father of the little girl who died asphyxiated after being forgotten in a Peugeot 308.

After hearing the accused, prosecutor Alejandra Alliaud, in charge of the case, decided that she would formally request the arrest of the father of the victim, accused of his alleged responsibility in the death of his young daughter.

The representative of the Ministry of Public Affairs asked for a series of test measures to establish how it was possible for the girl's father to forget his daughter in the back seat of the car for more than nine hours.

As determined by the autopsy, the girl died of hyperthermia and asphyxia. The girl was left on the back seat of the father's Peugeot 308 for almost nine hours during a hot day.

The statement of Oses was detailed and recorded in eleven pages. According to the sources consulted, during his statement of inquiry, the accused "was satisfied with himself" of his previous personal situation.

"He mentioned the fact that he was living in a stressful situation due to a job change." He also stated that he had been stressed by a family problem due to the 39, inheritance and succession, and that he had not realized that his daughter had died.He had forgotten him in the car, "said the sources consulted.

Three years ago, Oses was reported to have suffered a stroke (stroke). The prosecutor of the case is waiting for a report presenting the neurological history of the accused to determine whether, at the time of the facts, there had been a "mental slip".

The girl's mother agreed with her husband on the CVA and added that she had been treated in a Belgrano sanatorium specializing in the treatment of neurological conditions.

For this reason, the prosecutor requested that the accused's medical history be analyzed by experts, who must determine whether a neurological pathology or the treatment taken could have caused temporary amnesia or a loss of knowledge leading to the tragedy. .

The tragic episode occurred yesterday in Ceraso, at 14 hours, in Santos Lugares, in the feast of Tres de Febrero.

According to the reenactment made by the researchers, after listening to the girl's mother, it would have been established that Oses had left his house a few minutes before 8 am and took his wife to take the combi that he wore. had driven to his house. job

Then the man came home and parked the car in a comfortable position to go out and take the girl to the nursery where she would be between 8 and 17 years old. At that time, the little girl was in the special chair to carry the children, to the back.

But the girl's father entered the house and did not return until after nearly nine o'clock. When he returned to the car, he was barefoot and was wearing shorts. He opened the door and found his daughter lifeless.

According to residents of the neighborhood, it was a scene of terror. "I heard the screaming and I left, I thought the boy had been assaulted, I had never imagined that the baby was dead, I crossed the car three or four times and I did not see the baby, if the car had been parked at the entrance of the garage, maybe you could have seen something by the effect of the light on the tinted windows ", expressed the emotion, Domingo, a neighbor of Oses.

The girl's father had changed jobs recently. He was currently selling insurance at his home. Until he suffered from ACV, he played rugby in the San Martin club.

"It was a terrible moment." The boy took his daughter in his arms and spoke to him, then threw himself on the ground, as if he were in shock, until the arrival of the paramedics and took him to the hospital. Carrillo Hospital. She was transferred to a health center in the area, but there was no chance of saving her life, I will never forget what I saw, "said Cinthya, the neighbor who alerted the emergency number 911.

Although the forensic experts agreed on the cause of his death, the prosecutor ordered a series of further studies.

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