They ask the houses descacharrizar to avoid cases of dengue in Tlajomulco


The Director of Municipal Medical Services of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga Manuel Mercado Martínez, said that they were maintaining rejection actions in the municipality.

He added that dengue, chikungunya [19659004] and zika are diseases which, in the rainy season, proliferate especially throughout the country therefore, before this problem, the municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga is not He said that because of this situation a permanent mass campaign descacharrización is carried out throughout the municipality, from so that the citizens dispose of useless objects, considered as pots, as old tires, bottles, containers containing water and any object which stores water where this vector can develop

Indicates that, in turn, fumigations are carried out under the most favorable conditions. vulnerable of the municipality, with staff duly identified by the municipal authority or Secretary of Health Jalisco who carry motorcycle backpacks and vehicles with fumigation equipment.

Mentioned that, in addition, raise awareness of the population to keep their homes clean and discard all pots that may become breeding sites for the dengue mosquito Aedes Aegypty.

He explained that the areas Citizen Participation, Public Cleanliness and Social Neighborhood Police in the work of lifting pots in the various settlements of the municipality, on the basis of requests made by the neighbors to enter with a such a prevention program.

He noted that municipal medical services, interested in preventing the proliferation and control of classical dengue and Dengue haemorrhagic fever, Chikungunya and Zika recommends ending with farms d & # 39; breeding. squits with actions such as: avoid water stagnation, water tanks, cisterns, buckets and heaps of water.

In addition to throwing bottles and scrap this mosquito breeds only in clean water and even its eggs can last up to 10 months in a container without water, and in contact with them they would be born in a normal way. "

He pointed out that up to here in Tlajomulco up to this year reported 36 unconfirmed cases of classical dengue.

pointed out that if they have symptoms such as high fever above 39 degrees, cut off the body, joint pain, headache, muscle and nasal mucus, should go to n & # 39; Any health unit.


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