They assure that Nahir Galarza "did not flinch" by knowing the failure


Marcelo Galarza, leaving the police station for minors and women, where his daughter lives Nahir Source: R2820.COM

The girl of 19 years, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Fernando Pastorizzo, yesterday received the visit of parents; the defense prepares the appeal

GUALEGUAYCHÚ.-A day after the court of Gualeguaychú sentenced Nahir Galarza to life imprisonment for the murder of Fernando Pastorizzo, making her the youngest woman to receive the maximum sentence, 19 years old He was reunited with his family for years.

Marcelo Galarza joins his wife, Yamina Kroh; a maternal aunt; psychologist Graciela Tobar, who has been treating the girl since last March, and two minors, including Nahir's brother.

Two and a half hours later, the Galarza family left the Office of the Juarever and Women Gualeguaychú and walked in total secrecy to his car.

"Nahir is calm," police sources revealed to LA NACION. The day before yesterday, shortly after Judge Mauricio Deruddi read the verdict of the court, his defense lawyer – Rubén Germanier – was responsible for giving him the worst news. But Nahir "did not flinch", according to what happened on Tuesday afternoon. He simply asked, "How does everything go?"

The confirmation of Nahir's defense that they will appeal the sentence "in all cases permitted by law" feeds the hopes and expectations of the young woman. his family. "This is just beginning," said the mother immediately after hearing the decision, while her father reproached him: "I hope you are happy with this circus, I do not believe in a perpetual, it seems to me that it is a barbarity. "

Nahir to his lawyer shortly after reading the verdict bounces on the walls of the scheme that the Galarza family intends not to move for a millimeter. "We have come to prepare ourselves for the worst, we explained that it was the first time of the game, speaking in football terms, we explain that sometimes the Justice is also wrong and that we are going where you have to go go to recognize the rights that have been violated, "said Horacio Dargainz, the lawyer who established the closest connection with Nahir as part of his technical defense.

In the nap of yesterday, Nahir she returned to meet her psychologist and she kissed her parents and brother, already with the certainty that she is waiting for the long journey that began to take place early this morning of December 29 when she took the life of her boyfriend. 19659012] Criticism of the court

Another member of the team that makes up the Galarza defense team, lawyer José Ostolaza, assured LA NACION: "We are waiting until July 24 to learn the basics of the court, I think the judges did not give them the pinch I still can not believe that they do not consider gender violence as the permanent harassment that Pastorizzo has exerted on Galarza. "[19659007Headded:"Cananyonebelievethatthreewoundsinamonth"

Galarza's lawyer added criticisms to the alleged behavior of the victim: "At no time do we We denied the link, what we said was that they were not a couple.Pastorizzo took drugs, did not study, had any the day to disturb her, my client, on the other hand, is a pretty girl, who had plans, who studied law, what happened is that she gets tired of the violence and astorizzo. "

He foresaw that, if the appeals failed, they were determined to present the case in international courts. "They call me from all over the world, from Colombia, from the United States, because they can not believe the way the court has ruled, contrary to what is said in all the treaties international organizations that clearly state the defense of women's rights, that is why we will appeal and we will go if necessary to international forums, "Ostolaza said.

While the defense is considering alternatives, ranging from the house arrest application to the presentation to international organizations, Nahir will remain detained at the police station of the Minor and the woman from the southeastern city enterriano, a few blocks from where she committed the crime

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