They attack the morenista house and steal tickets from a box in Puebla; denounce the purchase of votes


PUEBLA, Pue. (Apro) .- The theft of a box and an attack with a gun on the house of a representative of Morena were reported in the early hours of polling day.

In addition, dozens of homes were detected where the vote in favor of Por Puebla al Frente's candidate, Martha Erika Alonso, was purchased.

At the Local Council meeting of the National Electoral Institute (INE), President Marco Rodríguez del Castillo informed that in Izúcar de Matamoros unidentified people stole the election documents from the house Teresa de Jesús Hernández Navarro, President of Box 0741 Contigu 1.

It states that, of the 3 thousand 315 stolen tickets, a thousand 659 correspond to the federal electoral process, 553 ballots for each of the votes (Presidency of the Republic, Senate and Chamber of Deputies).

According to the counselor, a complaint was filed for the facts and the investigation file 810/2018 / Izúcar / CNPP / 1ER was launched. In addition, he said, a report was taken on the number of folios to avoid being used in another box.

At 11:15 this morning, the National Electoral Institute (INE) confirmed the installation of 5 thousand 190 boxes Among the reported incidents, there is a shooting in the San Manuel district of this city, where , according to the first reports, subjects who moved in a van They fired on a house belonging to Alejandro Villegas Sartillo, general representative of Morena.

The incident was recorded around 10 am, and an hour earlier, in the same street, the state police arrested 11 youths accused of buying votes for the coalition Together We Make History.

However, Morena stated that the detainees were part of the structures for distributing food to party officials who are in the boxes.

Thanks to his Twitter account, the candidate of the governor Luis Miguel Barbosa declared that the young people were candidates to the brigade for the town hall of Together we will make history, Claudia Rivera, for what he calls detention "unlawful, arbitrary and intimidating."

"I ask Tony Gali, do not be the spokesperson of Martha Erika Alonso and Rafael Moreno Valle on polling day," he writes.

When questioned when voting, the governor Antonio Gali Fayad assured that the arrest of young representatives of Morena was due to the fact that there were no "trucks and truckers" .

International Observers

A group of 22 international observers came to this entity, considering it as one of the red lights of polling day, said Gerardo Romero Luna, coordinator of the Delegation.

At a press conference, previous reports indicating that the most at-risk areas are found in the Mixteca region and in municipalities where the Antorchist movement exists

"Puebla is the only one in the world. one of the states where it is imposed.The policy of the current government, and in particular of the former governor Rafael de Moreno Valle, "said Romero Luna, noting that at the end of the war, they will prepare a report that will be broadcast internationally.

The delegation is made up of members of organizations such as "Podemos", the 12+ Geopolitics Group, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and European Councilors, among others. They come from Romania, France, Spain, El Salvador, Argentina, Portugal, Liberia, the Basque Country, Belgium, the United States, Panama and Colombia. .

In the same press conference, Carlos Figuero and David Méndez, spokesman for the governor candidate of Juntos Haremos Historia, said he detected the operation of about 21 houses where the vote in favor of the candidate from For Puebla to the front, Martha Erika Alonso.

They indicated that one of them, located on Oriente Street 3, is operated by the former Secretary of Social Development of the State, Gerardo Islas, current candidate for the local deputation for District 22.

According to Figueroa, they have with videos and photographs of how these houses have worked in recent days, where you can see "long" rows of people coming to deliver their lists of "promoted" people who are supposed to pay 800 pesos for each vow committed to Alonso Hidalgo.
He assured that this operation was denounced in a dialogue table chaired by the Secretary General of the Government, Diódoro Carrasco. However, he complains that until now nothing has been done to avoid the coercion of the vote.

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