They bind a woman to the process of sexual exploitation of her 5-year-old daughter in Cuauhtémoc


MEXICO (APR) .- A 43-year-old woman was linked to the process and was ordered to take precautionary custody in Santa Martha Acatitla Prison for the alleged sexual exploitation of her mother. five-year-old girl. May of last year, in complicity with two other subjects

According to the Office of the Prosecutor General (PGJ-CDMX), on June 22, the Central Prosecutor's Office for the Investigation of Crime of Human Trafficking received an anonymous report on the minor's sexual exploitation, accompanied by photographs showing the criminal behavior of the woman and her accomplices, who allegedly drugged her in violation of her physical, sexual and moral integrity.

The complaint included the address of an address where the woman lived with her daughter and the fact that the images of the child were broadcast by WhatsApp.

According to the PGJ-CDMX, the public prosecutor, assigned the aforementioned Attorney General's office asked the intervention of elements of the investigation police to move into the house located in Colonia Guerrero, in the delegation of Cuauhtémoc.

Arriving at home, the police arrested the defendant and saved daughter. In this place was also the father of the miner, who said that he did not know about the crime against his daughter. Then he went to the public prosecutor to file the corresponding complaint.

When the specialists carried out medical and psychological diligence, they found the sexual assault of which he was a victim and determined that it presented "factors of vulnerability and affectation in his freedom". personality development, as well as symptomatology consistent with victims of sexual assault. "

The Attorney General's Office reported that the accused had stated in her interview that since May 2017 she had obtained money for the sexual exploitation of her daughter." He had two accomplices in the neighborhood of Ciudad Jardín, in the delegation of Coyoacán, where lives one of them.

The investigative police conducted investigations, cabinets and field research to locate the persons concerned.

When he joined the investigation, the prosecution asked a judge to control the warrant for arrest against the defendant, which was completed on June 24.

At the initial hearing, the judge ruled as legal the arrest of the accused and related to the procedure for the crime of human trafficking, in its mode of sexual exploitation aggravated.

In case of being convicted, could to a maximum of 30 years, according to the General Law on Trafficking in Persons.

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