They bind fake files with Rosario Robles Berlanga


"Deliverables" simulated

CITY OF MEXICO.- The scheme of misappropriation of public resources by outsourcing with government offices and ghost companies was completed with the production of documents and receipts called " deliverables ", published yesterday" Aristegui Noticias. "

" Deliverables "are a requirement that must be fulfilled by companies contracted by the government to receive the corresponding payment, but in the case of companies and associations considered before or ghost the files were assembled or manufactured to simulate works

Falsified documents are the last piece of the corruption scheme which, in the observations of the Court of Auditors (ASF), constitutes irregularities of more than 7 700 700 million pesos between 2011 and 2017, during the end of the administration of Felipe Calderón and the first five years of Enrique Peña Nieto.

Armed files was documented by this means during the administration of Rosario Robles Berlanga in two Secretaries of State: Social Development (Sedesol) and Agrarian Development, Territorial and Urban (Sedatu).

Electronic mails in possession of the portal "Aristegui Nouvelles" They prove that Claudia Morones operated the delivery of false documents between Sedatu, the Polytechnic University of Quintana Roo (Upqroo) and that of Chiapas (Upchiapas) to justify public purchases for 97.1 million pesos.

Forensic audits of the ASF indicate that in 2016, Sedatu hired Upqroo to perform a service that he did not really have the ability to do .

The University hired eight vendors to do the work (AM Sistemas Informáticos; DW Prism Marketer; Competence and Skills for Work Peninsular Training and Evaluation Center; Infotecnick; Custom Performance Document Integration and Mars , integrators of telecommunications and information.)

The auditors found several irregularities among these companies: three were not in their tax homes, four did not pay taxes to the Treasury; the legal representative of a company was a university official, while the rector of UPQROO opened the account of the company that received and managed the money.

The companies Custom Performance and Documentary Integration opened their bank accounts at the tax home of AM Sistemas Informáticos, "a fact that highlights the existence of a link between the three suppliers, to intervene in alleged hirings by public public entities for the alleged simulation in the provision of services and that, overall, they have a total of resources of 38.9 million pesos, "says the report of the ASF

In turn, each company outsourced to other companies to do the work: in one case, an outsourcing company had the former rector as legal representative of the company. Upqroo, who used $ 6.8 million to buy four Mazda trucks.

The facts indicate that on November 8, 2016, at 1:03 pm, Claudia Morones sent an email to David Guerrero Sesma to indicate payment to three companies : DW Prisma Marketer, AM Computer Systems and Professional Skills and Competencies.

At 1:44 pm, Guerrero Sesma he sent the bills to an official of Upqroo

"Friend, I send you the companies you have to disperse today, all the questions that I "Listen," reads the message.

Communications between Sedatu and Upqroo for triangular payments have no justification, because officially the university was responsible for outsourcing and independent payment, without the intervention of federal officials.

Another series of e-mails is November 14, 2016, when officials from the Almeva office sent the following message to officials at the Polytechnic University of Quintana Roo.

"… as we discussed, I joined the FA-54 invoice from MARS, Telecom and Information Technology Integradore s for UpqRoo on the training project with José Luis and Omar, as well as the legal documentation of the company. "

The courier included the constituent minutes of the company and a copy of his bank accounts, among other documents

A fifth email dated June 15, 2017 at 11:57, throws another clue to the plot: the name of Enrique Prado appears associated with Jesús Guerrero Sesma, Almeva employee, in the revision of the contracts of the Polytechnic University of Quintana Roo, 2015 and 2016.

The communication sent electronically by Erick Javier Sánchez Herrera ([email protected]) is addressed to Claudia Morones and David de Jesús Guerrero (Enrique prado) Sesma (Jesus, [email protected])

D & Other employees of Almeva who appears nt "copied" in these emails are Rafael Mariscal Carvajal, Francisco Velázquez Flores and Alejandro Ortiz Monasterio de Noriega, owner of the company that participated in this plot.

The e-mails show the concerted activities of federal officials, university students and private employees to assemble files and thus mislead the auditors.

In 2015, Hidalgo's radio and television executives (RTH) were summoned to Sedesol's offices to sign contracts and their annexes, according to a report from the ASF. The parties concerned confirmed that Sedesol had manufactured the entire file to justify purchases that had never been made.

The audit indicates that the officials met with Sedesol's general manager of material resources. According to the patrimonial statements issued by the Public Service Secretariat, on that date the post was occupied by Claudia Gabriela Morones.

Two people consulted by this means of information indicate that since then the delivery and assembly of files are done in three homes in Mexico, which function as bunkers, with private security elements.

At these points were rectors of universities, attorneys general, accountants and directors of public agencies hired by Sedesol and Sedatu who did not actually perform

Of these three bunkers, business certificates have been established, invoices for simulated work, service contracts themselves and even deliverables or vouchers that have been the subject of judicial audits, have revealed the emails. 19659003] These vouchers were delivered in paper, USB memories and compact discs with files

In early 2018, a person who knows the whole story has come into contact with this means of communication. During several interviews he counted the contract simulation mechanism and provided various documentary evidence.

After a series of checks, the source agreed to record his testimony, provided he protected his identity and any physical features that made him identifiable. 19659003] The source indicates that the operation of disappearing public funds ran smoothly with Rosario Robles at the head of Sedesol (2012-2015) and Sedatu (2015 to date).

However, the depth of medico-legal audits increased and these resonated in journalistic investigations, officials began an operation to simulate the legality of public spending.

For months, listeners searched for information in federal agencies involved in alleged hijackings, in government agencies used as intermediaries, and in companies hired to do the work.

The researcher is received official dropper: universities, federal agencies and state agencies have provided the minimums set by law.

With the support of Almeva, invoices and vouchers for undelivered or simulated services were "manufactured" outside

. To this end, three offices were established in Mexico City, attended by government officials. and former officials of the relevant agencies, including the rectors of the universities themselves. that were loaned to the simulation to divert public resources.

Among the public universities that lent themselves to simulation are the Autonomous of Morelos, the State of Mexico, Sinaloa, Nayarit, as well as the Polytechnic Schools of Chiapas and Quintana. Roo, among many others. In addition, the state communication systems of Hidalgo, Sonora and Quintana Roo participated

The documents obtained by "Aristegui Noticias" indicate that two of the three "bunkers" to assemble the # OperaciónEnregables are rented.

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