They broadcast images that show Mars as I had never seen before – 28/06/2018


An unprecedented perspective of the interior of the Nicholson crater, which occupies 100 kilometers in diameter, and another of a hole in the volcanic plain of Daedalia are two new images of Mars captured by the CasSIS camera, integrated into the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) of the European mission ExoMars

The Italian Space Agency (ASI) presented Wednesday these high resolution images of the Mars surface taken by a camera manufactured under the supervision of the university professor. of Bern, Nicolas Thomas, and Italian companies

  Unpublished images of Mars were unveiled at a workshop organized by the Italian Space Agency

Unpublished images of Mars were unveiled at a workshop organized by the Agency. The Italian space.

ASI – which finances 40% of the ExoMars – and the National Institute of Astrophysics of Padua provided the focal plane and electronic camera pro cess, which generates images of Mars which are then converted to 3D in Padua .

  Unpublished images of Mars were unveiled at a workshop organized by the Italian Space Agency.

Unpublished images of Mars were unveiled at a workshop organized by the Italian Space Agency.

This system, orbiting Mars at 400 kilometers in height, will provide a weekly photograph of its orography, which will give the possibility of a morphological analysis of its surface. CaSISS, the English acronym for Color Scanner System and Surface Stereo, also observed potential sources of trace gases in the red planet and allowed for the analysis of dynamic processes on its surface such as sublimation or erosion. .

  Unveiled images of Mars were unveiled at a workshop organized by the Italian Space Agency

Unpublished images of Mars were unveiled at a workshop organized by the US. Italian Space Agency.

It will also be used to evaluate possible landing places. future unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, since 1945, the mission ExoMars aims to launch a vehicle from 2020

<img class = "lazyload" itemprop = "image" src = " collections / static / lazy_square.svg "data-big =" "data-small =" 06/28 / HyynjOzfm_720x0__1.jpg "alt =" Unpublished images of Mars have been unveiled at a workshop organized by the Italian Space Agency, unpublished images of Mars have been unveiled during a workshop organized by the Italian Space Agency

ExoMars is a proyecto of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) to study there. has a life or traces on Mars.It started in 2016 with the launch of the TGO – to study the gases of Mars – aboard the module entry, descent and landing Schiaparelli, which it's Is se trimmed.

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