They burned public transport units in Chilpancingo, Guerrero


Two units of the public transport service of the Chilapa-Chilpancingo road in Guerrero were set on fire by armed civilians in different events in Chilpancingo

  They burned public transport units chilpancingo guerrero
(Photo: Noticieros Televisa) [19659004] They pull public transport to Chilpancingo, Guerrero 1

According to reports of the state police, Centro region, the first incident occurred a few minutes after seven o'clock evening in the passenger terminal of Chilapa- Chilpancingo

There, armed civilians fired at one of the units and then fired

  firefighters public transport chilpancingo guerrero
(Photo: Televisa News)

Public Fire Transportation in Chilpancingo, Guerrero [19659005] A few minutes later, another urvan of the same road was burned on the federal highway Tixtla-Chilpancingo, at the high neighborhood of Indeco. 659005] 11 dead during the vacation period in Guerrero

In the first three weeks of vacation, 11 people died in the state of Guerrero, nine of them were drowned and three in road accidents.

In addition, 197 aids were granted on beaches between water rescue, medical assistance and search of people.

Five people on the beaches of Acapulco and another in a pool. Three other people who have registered in what is Costa Grande, "said Marco César Mayares, Secretary of Civil Protection of Guerrero.

-What precautions do you take?

-In the edge, for example, I do not swim very well, I do not go over there on the edge, "said Ana Rodríguez, a tourist from Mexico City.

To strengthen beach monitoring, more than 20 lifeguards were hired to add two hundred already deployed.

They are an average of 26 units of jet ski water, motor boats, jet bikes, ATVs, specific vehicles for the beach. We have authorized the signing of 22 elements for the Acapulco Municipality for the Acapulco Bay area, "said Secretary Mayares

. We are very careful about patrolling the coast. I've always seen security inside the beaches, "said Selene Araujo, a tourist from Mexico City.

The State Secretariat for Emergency Preparedness reported that two trailers had been burned on the Autopista del Sol and 19 people were driving accidents, were injured and three died.

To cope with emergencies, 445 operational elements and 60 vehicles were deployed among ambulances, firefighters and water units

More than half a million tourists visited the port of Acapulco, when there are still three weeks to complete the holiday period

16 years of imprisonment for two police homicides in Guerrero

According to information from Janosik García


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