They calculate about 350,000 people with osteoporosis


Worldwide, a bone fracture is caused by osteoporosis, a chronic disease that affects 200 million people.

Today we celebrate World Osteoporosis Day. The goal is to raise awareness of this disease so that proper diagnoses and treatments are given to avoid disability-causing injuries.

And while this also affects men, four out of five women with fractures caused by osteoporosis are women.

In Jalisco, an estimated 350,000 people are living with or at risk of developing the disease. According to the director of the medical group T.O.C.A, José Carrillo Pérez, osteoporosis weakens the bones and makes them lose their elasticity and their resistance.

This disease prevents the bones from performing their main function: supporting the weight and allowing movement.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease that can go unnoticed until a person breaks a bone. And he warns that one in six women and one in 10 men over the age of 70 will suffer a fracture because of it.

Moreover, the doctor said that in trauma and orthopedics, some bones had more fractures throughout life, although this also depends on the type of activity of the person.

In the case of the elderly, the most common are the hip, wrists, humerus, shoulder level and sinking vertebrae. It is because of this type of injury that people lose height and their backs.

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