They call "teatrero" and "patético" in Neymar


Two former international football extremists expressed very strongly against the Brazilian Neymar, considering it as a teatrero and as pathetic for the way in which it feigned movements or beatings. fist.

One of them was the former Danish guardian Peter Schmeichel figure of the 90s, who is now a sports commentator.

The goal was that "Ney" exaggerated too much and this attitude would hardly make him the best player in the world, especially as players like Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi learned that this type of action

In addition, questioned his victory prize to the player of the match and requested that the system of video arbitration (VAR) be used to know if the faults committed to him are true.

Another who strongly criticized Neymar is the former striker Alan Shearer who categorically affirmed: "He is absolutely pathetic, there is no doubt about his abilities, he is a magnificent player. .. but is really pathetic when he wallows as if he was dying. "

Shearer also left a message to the Brazilian on Twitter, where he said" Enough, we're fed up ".

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