They canceled the reward of 98 million pesos for the information of the ARA San Juan


The resolution of Defense Minister Oscar Aguad was published Wednesday in the Official Gazette in which it was stated that the revocation was " for reasons of opportunity, merit and convenience . " The award was presented on February 8th of this year, almost three months after the submarine's last communication with the naval base at Mar del Plata on November 15, 2017.

familia ara san juan.jpg

<img src = "" alt = "Family members of the family. They are waiting for an answer
"id =" 2719470-Free-928994167_embed "/>

The crew's relatives are still waiting for an answer

The objective was to collect information to locate the boat with its 44 crew members, but the months passed and there were no decisive data provided by the Argentine Navy, nor by any of the countries that

"Account In view of the foregoing and the time elapsed without the desired success having been taken into account at the time of the publication of the above-mentioned measure it is n to revoke the resolution cited at the hearing ", can be found in the text of resolution 717/2018.

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