They capture the birth of a planet


Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy (MPIA), in Heidelberg, Germany, photographed a newborn planet. This is the first time this phenomenon is captured because the brightness of the stars is so powerful that no telescope can detect them.

The planet, named PDS 70 b was discovered at a distance of 22 astronomical units (at) from its star host PDS 70 (1 at is the average distance between the Sun and the Earth). The researchers got this shot thanks to the instrument SPHERE installed in the VLT telescope of the Southern European Observatory (ESO), one of the most powerful ones that exist.

According to the institution this gas giant, with a mass greater than Jupiter, was detected in orbit around the star PDS 70 in a space of its protoplanetary disk. This means that PDS 70B is still near his birthplace and that he is probably still accumulating.


The 163296 HD star is located about 330 light years from Earth

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the researchers of these observations provide a unique opportunity to test planetary formation models and to learn more about the history of planetary systems, including our own solar system

"After ten years of development Powerful astronomical instruments such as SPHERE, this discovery shows us that we are finally able to find and study planets at the time of their formation it is the fulfillment of a long cherished dream, "said Thomas Henning, director of MPIA.


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Scientists Applied Techniques of Pluton 39; sophisticated analysis and observation to get this shot. In conventional images, all objects close to the host star are lost in the glow of the bright starlight. However, with the SPHERE instrument, the contribution of the star can be eliminated. To do this, the camera uses a light property known as polarization.

According to information provided by the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy


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