They capture the first image of the birth of a planet


The birth of the planet is captured with a telescope in Chile. Astronomers managed to capture the moment when the star named PDS 70b was born

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An international team of astronomers operates from the Southern European Observatory in Chile, saw for the first time how a distant planet was born, using the Very Large Telescope , also known as SPHERE

Jokerly named this way, SPHERE it is used to "hunt planets" and is considered by the international community of astronomers as one of the "most powerful planet hunters" that exist on Earth ".

With the help of this high-precision instrument, the moment was seen that the round planet located at the center of a disk of gas and dust called PDS 70b, has began to form around the dwarf star PDS 70.

It is believed that the temperature in the surface of the planet is 1000 degrees Celsius (about 1832 degrees Fahrenheit) and has a turbid atmosphere . Measurements of the brilliance of the planet through different wavelengths made it possible to determine that the mass of the planet is several times that of Jupiter

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Image of the planet PDS 70b captured by the very large SPHERE telescope in Chile (European Southern Observatory of Chile)

Image of the planet PDS 70b captured by the very large SPHERE telescope in Chile (European Southern Observatory of Chile)

To see this fascinating moment, astronomers have used a coronograph an instrument that blocks the bright light of the star in order to observe the disc surrounding the little planet that is still growing inside. of our galaxy, in the constellation Centaurus.

According to astronomers, the disk of gas and dust surrounding the PDS 70b is a kind of planetary factory that joins the orbit. d A star for, after several million years, forms a star, which is the result of the accumulation of material from this disc.

According to a statement published in the specialized magazine Astronomy & Astrophysics by Miriam Keppler, researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy, " records around young stars are the birthplace of the planets but until now, only a handful of observations have detected traces of baby planets within them. "

] Keppler led the research that led to the capture of the birth of the planet.

"The results of Keppler open a new window on the early complex and poorly understood stages of global evolution," says astronomer André Müller of the same institute. and leader of the second research team

We needed to observe a planet in a record of the young star to understand the processes behind As stated by Müller and Keppler, the study of the new planet will allow international astronomy to know how the Earth has acquired its present composition.

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