They capture two people allegedly responsible for shooting taqueria de la Obrera – Security and justice – Notes


Mexico.- Police of the Secretariat of Public Security of Mexico (SSP-CDMX) arrested two people allegedly involved in the shooting in taqueria of the colony WorkerThey were therefore placed at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office, which will investigate their responsibility for the crime, after being identified by witnesses as the alleged perpetrators.

In a statement, the agency announced the arrest of the alleged perpetrators of 20 and 22 years, one of whom was found in possession of a .380 millimeter caliber firearm, with five useful cartridges, so that they are executed Experts to determine if this is the same one that was used to hurt five people and kill another one.

"The persons concerned fully identified the detainees as being responsible for the detonations, so the two journalists were made available to the CUH-2 public prosecutor's office, where the corresponding investigation file was open ", explained the Secretariat It was registered Saturday night in a store located in the streets Bolívar and Roa Bárcenas.

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