They Celebrate Their Marriage in 'Pollo Feliz & # 39; and become viral in networks (Video)


GUANAJUATO.- A couple celebrated their wedding in a chain store "Happy Chicken" and they became viral after the event.

The Fried Chicken Shop Unveiled Through Social Networks the special celebration that the couple had in said trade, Vanguardia MX reported.

Brenda and Isaí decided to celebrate their wedding in a very special place, a rosticería located in the street on May 1 in the city of Irapuato, Guanajuato

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The fried chicken shop unveiled through the networks The special celebration that the couple had in said case.

"Brenda Torres Vazquez and Isaí Gómez Santoyo have decided to celebrate their marriage with us and their family", they published in the account of Facebook "Happy Chicken of 39" Irapuato ". [1965900] 2] "Long live the couple! Thank you very much for having told us of this moment! We wish you many happy days," adds the publication.

To make the moment more pleasant, the employees of the rotisserie approached the couple to offer them a " great applause" and a "porra "

] Social network users congratulated the couple while others used it to joke with their lovers

"You and me in the merry chicken celebrating the wedding, not I know, think about it ", is one of the comments that accompany the publication.

"Israel, what do you say, with good quenes?", Read another message

"I've always said in a marriage, what really matters, it's what following after the feast, no matter where and how much it costs Congratulations, "adds another user.

No matter what it was on a weekday, family, friends and acquaintances have gone to the place to celebrate with the new spouses You, your happiness and wish you the best in their new stage.

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