They claim that Gabriel Soto infected Geraldine Bazán with a papilloma


Redacción / The Voz of Michoacán

Mexico City. Although Soto said in an interview that she had had some mistakes during her marriage, she is now a relative of Bazán who has announced that because of the many infidelities of her marriage, she has been told that she has not been married. actor, the actress had contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

According to TV Ratings magazine, a friend of Bazan said, "He has been unfaithful many times, he has hurt her and she has forgiven a lot of things, (…) without being a woman who walks with her. One and the other, to bear the fact that he is a womanizer and that's why he contagious things that she did not even look for ( …) Gabriel infected the human papilloma virus a long time ago. "

Together, this person stated that the actress had been treated and that, fortunately, she is now completely clean; However, you can not say as much about the actor.

"While he was with Geraldine, yes, but then he came back in the old way … because Gabriel is launching the wave on everything he sees with a skirt and I do not think He does not change, so alert all the women who are with him, because he can infect them too, "he said.

With information on television notes.

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