They claim that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx end the romance


United States.- The couple formed by actors Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx, reportedly ended their relationship a few weeks ago, according to the Radar Online portal. [19659002] The two interpreters, who made their romance public last September and five years after they began to speculate on the nature of their relationship, they would have separated in a friendly and without perceptible conflicts, according to Telemetro's information portal

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The same way ensures, quoting sources close to the artists, that the decision to follow separate paths would have finally been taken by Katie, considering that the romantic relationship was not compatible with the many responsibilities arising from the education of his daughter Suri (12), fruit of or marriage extinguished with Tom Cruise

Waiting for the protagonists of this story to make a public pronouncement to confirm or, if necessary, refute the news, the information that was revealed this Thursday is still surprising if you take into account that after formalizing their relationship with a tender picture of two of them on Instagram, their loved ones have trusted that their love would have done nothing but take away months. [19659002"Ilscommencentàsesentirplusàl'aisepourexprimerleuraffectionenpublicIlsonttoujoursessayédegarderleurrelationaussiloinquepossibledel'intérêtdesmédiasprécisémentparcequ'ilsnevoulaientpasquelapressiondelapresseruinelelienfortqu'ilsontmaismaintenantilsneveulentpassecacherJamieadonnébeaucoupdebonheuràKatiecesdernièresannéesetl'amourestcertainementmutuel"aexpliquéuninformateurplustôtcetteannée

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