They confiscate offices and propaganda along with the PRD candidate in Cortazar


CORTAZAR, Gto. ( .- A state operation and federal corporations fell to the headquarters of the transport company and the electoral campaign of the PRD candidate to the mayor of Cortazar, Hugo Estefania Monroy, who seeks to re-elect in the post.

In the operation were confiscated food, propaganda and even shoes, all of which were transferred to the headquarters of the Deputy Attorney General of the state.

At the facilities of the company Estefania Monroy, arrived several patrols of the State Forces, Army and Federal Police, and many elements entered to do a search.

Site escorted a red pickup truck with Guanajuato plates, loaded with shoe boxes, propaganda and offices.

The vehicle was taken to the Deputy Attorney General

Several men who were outside the PRD company took photographs and videos with cell phones from the agent.

n photographed and taken videos of reporters who came to cover the event.

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