They create a laser rifle that can burn people close to one kilometer


Shanghai.- The laser weapons that strike people are no longer a science fiction thing in China where a company claims to have developed a rifle. laser assault that can shoot a target of up to one kilometer and produce burns that could lead to death.

The Hong Kong independent daily South China Morning Post reported today that a Chinese company created the ] ZKZM-500 weapon which, although described as " non-lethal ", produces an invisible energy beam that can pierce objects and cause " instant carbonization" ] "of skin and human tissue

Theme: Photo: Pxhere.

Thus, according to a scientist close to the project of the Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Xian (Shaanxi Province), the new device is capable of " burning clothes in a fraction of the second reason why if the cloth is flammable the whole person will burn ."

As the laser is set to an invisible frequency and does not produce absolutely no sound, " no one will know where the attack " and " will look like an accident ", he said

l & rsquo; 15mm caliber armor, weighs three kilograms, almost the same as traditional AK-47 assault rifle, has a range of 800 meters and could be mounted on vehicles, ships and planes.

Now ready for mass production and it is likely that the first units are delivered to the anti-terrorist squads of the Marine Police China .

The prototype was built by ZKZM Laser, a technology company owned by the Xian Institute.

Theme. Photo: Pxhere.

A representative of the company confirmed that the company is now looking for a partner with a licensed firearms production license or a partner in the company. security or defense industry to start a large-scale production of 100,000 yuan (13,250)

Rifles are powered by a rechargeable lithium battery similar to that of smart phones or video cameras. He can make more than a thousand strokes, each one lasting no more than two seconds.

Given its potential for abuse, the design and production of the devices will be tightly controlled and the only customers will be the army and the police. China

In this note:

  • China
  • Rifle
  • Laser
  • Abrasar
  • Number of persons
  • Kilometer

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