They cut electricity and he dies; depended on the oxygen machine


by: Uniradio Informa – July 9, 2018, 19:29

UNITED STATES. – A retired woman died after her electricity was cut off, she was dependent According to RT media, it was last Thursday in Newark, New Jersey, where Linda Daniels was at her home, and by default payment, the Public Enterprise Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), He cut the service

The 68-year-old woman was suffering from congestive heart failure, and it's her daughter who claimed the company for the act, because she said that two days before the tragedy, she had paid 500 dollars for service.

Similarly, he argued that PSEG was aware of the health status of his mother, however, she reviewed the records that he spent in 2016 and found no notification in this respect

. woman of "terrible tragedy", and assured, will investigate the situation.

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