They declare alert in the municipalities of Guanajuato for floods of prey and floods; There is a missing man


GUANAJUATO, Gto., (Appro) .- The authorities have declared an alert in the municipalities of the Laja-Bajío region due to the increase in the level of Laja and the floods caused by the. outlet of the Presa Allende. The affections are mainly lived in Celaya, Comonfort and Villagrán, where people of the community slept in the night of Thursday to Friday in the temporary shelters planned

. Comonfort reported that he had been warned shortly of the detonation actions ordered by the National Water Commission, and reported floods in at least four communities and colonias.

Therefore, the acting mayor Juan Carlos González García announced the suspension of the courses. in the localities of Orduña de Arriba, Orduña de Abajo, La Palma, the colony of Álvaro Obregón, as well as the high school and the high school of Doctor Mora, until new order.

"Since the beginning of the works to evacuate the Presa Allende, which were communicated yesterday by Conagua … from that moment and despite the limited time available to us for attention, we have worked in each of the communities and areas affected by different areas of municipal administration, "said the municipality Thursday evening.

He also announced that a shelter had been opened in the former Avocado Association, in front of the Buses Central.

Hostels activated. Photo: Special

Meanwhile, in Celaya, the water dragged a man up to the community of San José de la Puerta, which was recorded in a video taken by residents of the city, who asked for help from 911. see that he was in the river and could not get in safety.

In addition, there were many puddles in the vicinity and access by the Honda car company.

In this municipality, the Civil Protection Council declared in a state of alert and already with some damage due to the water level to the communities of El Cuije, La Luz, Los Morales, Los Mancera, Los Ramirez, Moralitos, San Juan de la Vega and Libramiento Sur Oriente, where supervision visits have been conducted since Thursday. the measures that must be taken, including the transfer to temporary shelters that are exprofeso activated.

In El Cuije, the civil defense personnel activated an operation with the support of the municipal police and military police to protect the residents in

The army recommended the strengthening of the dams and, with the participation of the army, bags were placed in the Labradores canal.

In Villagrán, the authorities worked during the night. to alert residents of communities such as Ribera de la Presa, from where several families were evacuated and taken to a shelter

The rains continued Thursday night.

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