They declare to the archaeological complex Medina Azahara Heritage of Humanity


The Spanish archaeological site of Medina Azahara, located in Córdoba, was declared a World Heritage Site by the Unesco meeting in the Bahrain capital, Manama.

The World Heritage Committee of Unesco included in the list of protected cultural sites of the Medina Azahara caliphate city, in an unopposed debate and in which several countries like Norway, Brazil and France congratulated Spain for

The International Council on Monuments and Sites, also known as ICOMOS, recommended at the beginning of the session that the name of the place be changed in "caliphal city of Madinat al Zahara", in order to maintain the

Among other things, he asked to update and approve the plan of operations for Medina Azahara for the purpose of ensure the preservation of the place.

After nominating the only Spanish offer this year, Spain's Permanent Delegate Ambassador to Spain, Maria Teresa Lizaranzu, said that this statement is "a recognition of the work Joint Minister, the Junta de Andalucía, the City Council (of Córdoba) and "

Lizaranzu, the first to speak, said that Medina Azahara is" a unique example of a caliphal city in the European sphere and is part of our Andalusian heritage of which we are very proud.

In addition, he emphasized the center of interpretation that is "perfectly integrated, that is sustainable, contributes to a better understanding and is imitated with the environment."

With this decision, [19659011] Spain is positioned in the third country of the world with more places inscribed on the list of Unesco in front of France

Medina Azahara shelters the ruins of & dquo; A city founded by the first caliph of Al Andalus, Abderramán III, of the Omeya dynasty, in the year 936, seven years after proclaiming the caliphate of Cordoba

The remains of the city califale, including buildings, infrastructure and decorative objects ] remained buried for a millennium until they were discovered in the early 20th century on the periphery of the present Cordoba.

The meeting of the committee of Patrimonio World Organization The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will continue until July 4 in Manama.

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