They demand justice in the funeral of the elected mayor of Buenavista, Michoacán


Photo: Quadratín

They killed him because he won the real left! This was the first charge of Eliseo, the son of the elected candidate killed.

In tears, he sheltered in the arms of Cristóbal Arias Solís Elected Senator of Morena. Eliseo Delgado Sánchez .

"They wanted to slander and defame the memory of Elisha.In the interior of the government, they do it"

Cristobal Arias

Senator elected

Arias warned that the claims will not stop delineating the responsibilities of the crime.

The former PRD party arrived at Las Catalinas, the home of Eliseo . His coffin was under a laminated roof, with dozens of chairs around. Dozens of crowns. Outside, friends and family. We want justice! "He asked, automatically, another of the children of the killed candidate.

Here there were sad, long faces, inconsolable tears. The duel was already felt. Eliseo Delgado Sánchez is the first elected mayor to murder after polling day of 1 July 1.

This signal is not encouraging for an entity that tries to control an area submerged by the violence and violence. hegemonic dispute of the cartels. It is recorded in this region, the most algid of the state, where the disputes of Viagra against Cartel Jalisco New Generation are on the agenda.

Parácuaro, Apatzingán, Uruapan, Los Reyes, Tepalcatepec All Morenoites came in solidarity with family members and join the clamor for justice.

It was a cry of ¡Basta! It was a blow to democracy, to the aspiration of thousands of citizens who were the electoral legitimacy and political sustenance of the deceased candidate. "It is an unjustified fact. Eliseo just wanted to serve his people," he says Arias Solís .

Eliseo Delgado was attacked while he was eating with knowledge in a restaurant of the Center of this municipality terracalienteño . There was an alderman on his return. It turned out with a bullet in the arm, is still convalescent.

A week ago, the head of the office of this municipality, also was shot down . Here, the heat of the heat mingles with the political heat and the heat of the violence.


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