They demonstrate in Ciudad Juárez against Donald Trump's immigration policy


A massive demonstration took place yesterday morning at the border of the Juarez-El Paso border, whose sole purpose was to show the rejection of the anti-immigration policy of President Donald Trump, who intends to separate families as a means of pressure

From Mexico, members of social groups gathered at the Plaza de Armas, such as the "Girls of their Maquilera Madre", the Paso del Norte People's Assembly, "Dreamers Mom" and some deported veterans. They stayed there with the intention of meeting up with their families.

For a few minutes, other civilians gathered and stayed at the monument called JRZ, at the intersection of Juarez Avenue and September 16, where they repudiated US President's measures .

With blankets, cardboard and peacefully, they walked to the bump of the Paso del Norte Bridge, where they remained waiting for their counterparts in the United States, who likewise, with blankets, cartons and shouts of rejection before the President of the American Union, met at the same point, where both showed their disagreement and repudiation, mainly by the separation of children from migrants, some of whom remain in detention centers, 39, one of them, in Tornillo, Texas, where, according to the protesters, they are treated in an inhuman and unfair manner.

Always under the watchful eye of border police officers On the side of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Police, they continued for several minutes their demonstration, which was attended more and more of civilians returning to El Juarez from El Paso or vice versa.

Fortunately, no difficulty has occurred. guiadores who went to the nearby city, which some took advantage to film to the protesters, or, shouting at expressions like "póngan" go to work and do not get in the way, "actions that have been omitted by those who They were gathered there

A young American girl, who was carrying with her another woman a huge blanket allusive about, crying silently, listening to the stories told here. On the US side, agency members have emerged, among them, Border Network for Human Rights, Las Americas, House of the Annunciation, Mexicans in Exile, Hope Border Institute, DREAMer Mom's, among other non-governmental organizations. [19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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