They detect 15 new cases of HIV / AIDS in Coatzacoalcos


At least 15 new HIV cases were detected during the first half of the year in Coatzacoalcos, revealed the municipal link with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation Foundation (AHF), Beatriz Adriana Sánchez Hernández [19659002] At the beginning of a campaign on the market Ursulo Galván, reported that during the year were applied 1,350 quick tests in universities, bars and shopping malls, but only one percent of the Analysis showed a positive balance.

community, in bars have detected some cases, but all are related to Capasits, all are related and it depends if they have insurance, IMSS, Pemex and they are followed. "

The official stressed the interest of the population to carry out the rapid tests, because even two mothers decided to take their minor children to conduct the study.

Sánchez Hernández recalled that With regard to children and young people who have not yet reached the age of 18, parental consent is necessary, even when they are sexually active.

Regarding the positive cases of the year, he confirms that the majority are men.

In addition, he announced that one of the women devoted to sexual service was also tested positive, but that She was not practicing because the lady had decided

"He was not working, they were just coming to perform his procedure, giving him they went to treatment and he did not do it. there was no problem with that, they do not work because they decided, it's just e a person, "he said.

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