They dig the pit hoping to find children in the cave in Thailand


  Digging a pit in the hope of finding children in a cave in Thailand

Thai rescuers were joined by American military equipment and British cave experts


rescuers pierced a hole on the side of a mountain on Thursday in a desperate attempt to drain the water from a flooded cave in northern Thailand, where 12 children and their trainer of football are gone.

They bring electricity to the cave with captured football players

However, the effort seems unsuccessful and the state of alert continues without any guarantee that the Water quickly moves away from the cave and that there are still months before the end of the rainy season

. to cross the corridors full of muddy water and the rescuers looked for alternative entrances, while waiting to find hidden wells in the mountains that serve as a back door to the avernas.

Wirachia Songmetta, deputy director of the National Police, said that he will join 600 people who paint the mountain in search of cracks. Some wells found were thrown out, but Interior Minister Anupong Paojinda said rescuers are still looking for three places.

The children and their trainer entered the cave Tham Luang Nang No Chiang Rai Saturday afternoon after finishing a football game. The cavernous complex extends for several kilometers (miles), with narrow passages and rugged terrain, and is known to be flooded during the rainy season.

Nevertheless, the authorities have expressed the hope that there will be dry parts at a higher level inside the cave where the group of missing people might wait.

Thai rescuers were joined by a US military team and British cave experts, as well as by other private teams of foreign specialists. In a morning report, divers who tried to enter the caves said that the water level was increasing at a rate of 15 centimeters per hour

For now we do not can not do much, "said Anupong." We must wait until the water level decreases. "

Some parents of missing children spent their nights in tents outside the entrance to the cave in the rain On Thursday morning, a Buddhist monk held a prayer for parents, many of whom would not stop crying.


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