They discover a rectangular iceberg in Antarctica


rectangular iceberg
During the IceBridge operation, NASA discovered an unusual rectangular iceberg in Antarctica. (Photo by @ AndresCarlos71)

WASHINGTON (EFE). – The American Space Agency (NASA) has published several photographs taken during an Antarctic mission of a rectangular iceberg, unusual and striking form, become a phenomenon on social networks.

The discovery was made during one of the flights carried out by the so-called Operation IceBridge of October 16, considered by NASA as the largest aerial survey on the polar ice, said this agency on its website.

The rectangular iceberg

The above study was designed to evaluate changes in the height of ice several glaciers flowing in Larsen A, B and C and, when it was completed, one of NASA's scientists, Jeremy Harbeck, saw a very sharp, tabular iceberg floating between the pack ice, right next to the pack ice Larsen C, quotes this institution.

"I thought it was interesting, I often see icebergs with relatively straight edges, but I've never really seen one with two such straight angles," Harbeck said.

According to NASA, the rectangular iceberg It seems to have emerged from the Larsen C Glacier, from which emerged in July 2017 a gigantic block of ice the size of the US State of Delaware (nearly 6,500 square kilometers), dubbed "A68".

In his photographs, Harbeck captured both the edge of the now famous iceberg and a ice block a little less rectangular and, in the distance, also appears the "A68".

"In fact, I was more interested in capturing the iceberg A68 We were about to fly over, but I thought this rectangular iceberg was visually interesting and rather photogenic. So I've at least taken some pictures, "Harbeck said.

The NASA flight started from Punta ArenaIn Chile, the five-week mission began on October 10 and is scheduled to end on November 18.

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