They discover that the aroma of coffee increases school performance: your doctor


Drinking coffee may be beneficial for reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and dementia; however, the aroma of coffee helps us to live longer and to increase school performance according to the results of a study.

] Stevens Institute of Technology, reports that the hidden strength in the aroma of coffee can help people perform better in the analytical part and in general in their academic performance.

] "It's not just that the smell of coffee helped people perform better in analytical tasks, which was already interesting." But we also thought that they would do better and we showed that this expectation was at least partly responsible for their better performance " explains Adriana Madzharov professor at the Institute.

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Coffee aroma improves analytical reasoning

It was discovered that people were getting better results in analytical reasoning by presenting the Graduate Managment Test Test a computer-based test required by many schools of mathematics. trade. In summary, it is an effect similar to coffee consumption, suggesting a placebo effect obtained from the aroma.

During the work, an algebra test of 10 questions was performed on about 100 undergraduate business students; one group took the test in the presence of an ambient coffee odor, while the other group did without the aroma. As a result, those who did the odor test showed higher results.

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Vigilance, provides energy that improves performance; however, this research seeks to explore whether coffee aroma can have the placebo effect on verbal reasoning .

With the information of (Eureka Alert)

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