They discover the drawing of a giant penis in Australia through images of space


Image: Google Maps

It happened last Monday, when an Australian accepted Google Maps to search for an enclave of the area where he lived and ended up finding a gigantic penis, so, that records satellites it was clearly visible from the rest of the earth. A New Australian Geoglyph.

Apparently, the member was drawn on an old lake in Victoria, Australia, although details of where it comes from are rare. We assume that, given its enormity, many locals had known the penis for months, and at one point it was tagged on the map as Lake Betoota, thus stealing the name of an Australian ghost town and a satirical journal

It was discovered, the penis began an unusual increase in the network, getting dozens of five-star reviews as a must visit in the region. However, this is by no means the first time that Google Maps users fall on this type of hidden secrets to the naked eye.

Image: Marree man (G. Maps)

In 1998, a helicopter pilot spotted a huge figure engraved on a desert plateau in southern Australia. The man thought that he represented an Indian naked man holding a throwing stick and eventually received the name of Marree Man in the honor of a nearby town.

This type of drawings is visible from the air they are called geoglyphs, and the man from Marree is actually one of the largest geoglyphs in the world: it is 4.2 kilometers high and the contour is 28 kilometers long. And yes, the engraving on the red sand is completed by the pubic hair and the male genitals.

Image: Nazca Lines (Wikimedia Commons)

Coincidentally, this week was the 20th anniversary of the discovery of this figure, a time when Australian businessman Dick Smith took the opportunity to offer a reward for any information on the mysterious creator. That said, perhaps the most famous geoglyphs in the world are the Nazca Lines in Peru, a vast collection of huge forms dating back over 2,000 years drawn by pre-Inca culture. [Science Alert]

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