They discover the first case of myelitis, a rare disease in a 3-year-old girl


Florida, EU.- The state of Florida, in the United States, reported the first case of acute flaccid myelitis, a strange illness similar to the polio and who can manage to leave them paralytic.

Aamira Faircloth, 3 years old, was diagnosed with this unusual disease and remains admitted in the intensive care room of the Wolfson Children's Hospital, from the city of Jacksonville.

He always runs from one place to another, does something, mixes with everything, and suddenly bam! It was so fast that I asked myself: what's going on here? "Said Reba Faircloth, the girl's mother.

The worst thing is that we can not treat it because we do not know what the cause is, "said Wolfson's doctors at Channel 4 of CBS.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta they say that the disease attacks the the nervous system, also affects the eye mobility and hard to swallow.

According to the hospital, investigations continue to determine what exactly causes the acute flaccid myelitis.

The doctors they believe that Aamira will have to stay another 2 or 3 weeks in the hospital, but they assure that having it taken quickly promotes treatment.


  • Disease
  • acute flaccid myelitis
  • Florida
  • Strange case
  • Girl
  • The nervous system
  • Paralysis
  • Hospital
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