They discover the presence of dangerous bacteria in the heads of showers


Photo: RT

(Caracas, November 5 – News24) .- Researchers from the United States They managed to show that showerheads could harbor mycobacteria, non-tuberculous, related to a pulmonary infection.

The study published in the journal mBio was conducted after collecting bacterial biofilm samples from showers in 656 US households and 13 European countries. So they determined that the bacterial colonies located inside these head of the geographical location.

In the same way, there are also variations in the origin of the water because in households that received water from the local supply system, they had more non-tuberculous mycobacteria, compared to houses whose water came from a well.

In addition, the material of showers has a great influence because, in those made of metallic materials, they have discovered a greater number of bacterial colonies than plastic ones.

The team from the University of Colorado at Boulder also discovered that non-tuberculous mycobacteria are present mainly in areas where lung disease is commonas in New York, Florida and California.

"There is a fascinating microbial world that thrives in your shower and you can be exposed to every shower," said study co-author Noah Fierer. "The actions, of the types of water treatment systems that we use in the materials of our pipelines, can change the composition of these bacterial communities," he added.

Fierer pointed out that "There is definitely no reason to fear showering"

With information from RT

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