They draw expenses in an election year


Mexico.- Before a historic electoral process the federal government transferred the expenditure in secretariats very sensitive to the use of programs with public resources.

Only in May Four federal government secretariats recorded accelerated spending growth, according to the latest Treasury and Public Credit report before the federal election.

The Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), led the growth during the month in question by exercising 2 thousand 377 million pesos ie 123.7% more in real terms than the same month of 2017.

Also highlights the Secretariat of Agriculture (Sagarpa), which increased its expenditure by 89.7% in real terms in May, spending 12 thousand 467 million pesos in a month, compared with 6 290 million in May 2017

In the accumulated for the first five months of the year, Sagarpa, which is one of the larger federal agencies doubled its spending.

In the past five months 43 thousand 586 million pesos or 108.9% more than In the same period of 2017,

Gobernación, which spent 8 million 607 million pesos, has experienced a considerable acceleration of its expenditures during the month of May, an actual increase of 52.1% compared to 414 million spent in May 2017.

Regarding the Ministry of Labor Expenditure rose 63.4 percent in May, with 405.7 million pesos . 19659002] According to Mariana Campos, coordinator of Mexico's Public Expenditure and Accountability Program, the higher rate of spending could be associated with the increase in subsidies for some dependencies

She pointed out that the case from Sagarpa and [19659012] Sedesol it was seen that in the election years these subsidies tend to increase .

This indicates that spending is still sensitive to political issues, he explained.

Photo: Reforma

He adds that the habit is that spending accelerates in the second half of the year, not in the first few months.

"This is an outstanding question on the agenda which repeats us that the counterweights are weak and that there is no According to the Ministry of Finance, the total programmable expenses exceeded the programming for the period from January to May of 60 600 million pesos.

In this note: [19659019] Elections
  • INE
  • Secretariats
  • Public Expenditure
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