They evacuate to Sinaloa and Nayarit more than 19,000 people per Willa march


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Tecuala.- More than 19,000 residents of the coastal municipalities of Sinaloa and Nayarit have been evicted from their homes because of the danger of rains and winds caused by Hurricane Willa, which hit a country category 3 around 20 hours.

In both entities, activities have been semi-paralyzed in nine municipalities since midday and after 15 hours they have been deprived of electricity.

In Sinaloa, after the passage of the meteor, it was reported that the ceiling of the laundry room of the Escuinapa General Hospital had fallen and that a strong smell of gas had been reported. The emergency elements have been alerted.

In addition, the suspension of classes in seven municipalities south of Sinaloa is maintained.

In the morning, Quirino Ordaz, governor of Sinaloa, said that since Monday evening, a risk map has been published, in which are located the settlements in the lower parts, so that families can find temporary refuge in the villages. shelters. .
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<p>He made a special appeal to the municipalities of Concordia, Escuinapa, El Rosario and Mazatlan to comply with the provisions for shelter in their homes and for families in the lower areas to settle in shelters.</p>
<p>More than 7,000 people have left their homes: some have been transferred to shelters and others to their families.</p>
<p>Last night, the National Water Commission (Conagua) announced that Willa had entered near the town of Isla del Bosque, 15 kilometers from Escuinapa, in Sinaloa, and was traveling 17 kilometers by the hour (km / h), with winds of 195 km / h and gusts of 240 km / h.</p>
<p>The wide circulation of Willa covered the states of Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit, Jalisco and Zacatecas, as well as the Marías Islands, with wind gusts above 100 km / h, waves of 4 to 6 meters in height and the formation of torrential waters on the coasts of Sinaloa, Nayarit and Jalisco.<br /><img alt=

Expulsions in Nayarit. More than 12,000 people living in high-risk areas in the municipalities of Tecuala, Acaponeta and San Blas, north of Nayarit, have been transferred to shelters made available to state and municipal governments, prior to the threat of violence. Hurricane Willa.

Residents of three communities in the municipality of San Blas have been forcibly evicted due to the refusal to leave their homes as a precautionary measure due to the weather phenomenon.

The 19 shelters authorized in the north of the state were located mainly in schools and facilities of the Technological University.

In addition, since yesterday afternoon, the stores of the indicated municipalities have remained closed.

In the morning, the governor of Nayarit, Antonio Echevarría García, visited the coastal area of ​​the municipality of Tecuala, where the impact of the meteor was expected.

"The most important thing at the moment is to ensure the well-being of families living in the municipalities of the north coast of Nayarit, from San Blas to Tecuala, which should have the greatest impact on Willa, without neglect the communities of Compostela and Bahía de Banderas, "he said.

The state executive explained that he was working in coordination with the armed forces, the local civil protection and the municipal councils, to take the precautionary measures set by the protocol and to protect the citizens who live on the coast and on the beaches.
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<p>He said that in respect of the human rights of people who refused to evacuate, the police force was used to expel them and thus prevent an incident.</p>
<p>The first routes to assess the damage and clean the streets and avenues began after 22 hours.</p>
<p>Jalisco resumes his classes. In Jalisco, only tree falls and landslides were reported on the roads last night after Hurricane Willa.</p>
<p>The Ministry of Education announced that school activities would resume Wednesday on the campuses of elementary and middle schools located in the nine municipalities of the coast – Cihuatlán, La Huerta, Tomatlán, García Barragán Cuautitlán, Villa Purificación, Cabo Corrientes , Pets, San Sebastian del Oeste and Puerto Vallarta-.</p>
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