They extradite Puigdemont solely for embezzlement


Berlin.- A German court ruled yesterday that Catalan independence leader Carles Puigdemont may be extradited to Spain for the alleged embezzlement charge, but not for the more serious charge of rebellion. .

"Extradition for the prosecution of embezzlement of public funds is permissible, extradition for charge of rebellion is not admissible", said the regional court of Schleswig-Holstein, saying that it is up to the prosecutor to organize the surrender to the Spanish authorities and that the former president of Catalonia "is free" until then. 19659002] This decision closes a chapter in the European Union's judicial proceedings concerning the extradition of Puigdemont claimed by Spain.

On his side, the former Catalan president said that he would fight "until the end" after hearing the decision.

"We will fight to the end and win," tweeted Puigdemont, celebrating extradition for rebellion, the main charge of the Spanish Supreme Court claiming him for his role in the failed attempt to secede in 2017.

"We have defeated the main lie held by the state.The German justice denies that the referendum of October 1 was a rebellion," he said.

The Spanish Prime Minister, Socialist Pedro Sanchez, refused to comment on the German decision

. in terms of Spanish justice, those involved in the events that occurred in the last half of 2017 [en referencia al intento de independencia de Cataluña] must be judged by the Spanish courts. "

The decision of the court is a blow to the reasons presented Spain claims its extradition, since it prevents a trial for rebellion.

The court also states the principle that the Spanish court" will respect "the German decision and that it will not prosecute the accused for rebellion as well as for corruption." [19659002] The judges also rejected the arguments of the Catalan separatist, who considered himself a political victim and that, therefore, his extradition should not be granted.

A charge like this "is absurd", the court said, recalling that the Spanish state is "a member of the community of values ​​and the" 39, legal area of ​​the European Union "

soon on the authorization to extradite the defendant for embezzlement". A spokesman for the prosecutor's office described this as formally formal

Spain accuses Puigdemont of rebellion and embezzlement by the referendum on independence held in 2017 and declared illegal by the central government.

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