They fight to get the kids out before the water gets into the cave


The Thai authorities have assured that they will not take "any risk" by rescuing the 12 teenagers and their coach, who have been trapped in a cave since June 23rd. However, floods could increase in the next few days.

"We will not rush out to get the boys out of the cave," said Narongsak Osoththanakorn, governor of Chiang Rai province, where the cave is located. "Those who have the least chance of leaving will be the first to leave the cave."

Rescue teams, who develop a plan to get the group out of the cave, deliver food, water and sanitary materials to the members of the group. the team that is doing today 12 days confined in the earth.

The miners and their football coach will have to leave before the water rises, according to Sky News, so it will be necessary to train them to dive.

Interior Minister Paojinda Anupong said the evacuation "must be accelerated" before there is more rain, and added that the children will be kidnapped in the next days.

Each teenager will be accompanied by two expert divers who will fight through strong currents before walking 200 meters up to the exit of the cave.

It is unclear how much the caves have been flooded and how many airbags are available for the equation. types of rescue. The comments of the Interior Minister were repeated by General Chalong Chai of the Thai Army, who told Sky News that the rescue "will take place in the coming days, but as soon as possible because ;it will rain".

"They will use the same masks as the divers, but they need more time to become more competent.The boys are in good condition because they are optimistic that they will come out alive soon." [19659009] They wait for it with a cake

Pheeraphat 'Night & # 39; Sompiengjai turned 16 the day he and his friends joined the cave, your family is waiting to celebrate. AFP / L. Suwanrumpha

The family of Pheeraphat keeps a birthday cake while waiting for his return from the cave where he is trapped in Thailand.

"The cake is in the fridge, I'm keeping it here to surprise you," said Phunphatsa Sompiengjai, the teenage sister's sister, nicknamed "Night" and who turned 16 on June 23, day where the 13 players entered the cave.

His mother, Supaluk, was afraid that he would never hear his son's voice again. He was delighted to hear it in a video recorded in the cave. "I saw him, he's the boy in the red and white shirt, he says," Hi, I'm "Night." I'm fine. "

Pheeraphat entered the Wild Boar football team a year ago as a goalkeeper.

Three other children from the team come from the same village.The four were inseparable

On June 23, Pheeraphat left to train as usual with his friends, then had to return home to celebrate his birthday as a family.

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